What is the role of the Sustainability CCC?

The Sustainability CCC is concerned with ensuring submissions have duly considered the climate and organisational impact of the proposed change.

This would include ensuring that services are:

  • Right-sized for their utilisation, for instance by using serverless cloud compute.
  • Adopting higher-tier services where possible, indicating a preference for SaaS, PaaS over IaaS.
  • Considering and documenting the CO2 impact of service design choices.

It is recommended to engage with the Sustainability CCC as early as possible in the process of drafting your TRG submission.

What evidence will they be looking for in your submission?

  • How have you designed the service to ensure optimal resource utilisation?
  • If you are using IaaS tier services, have you articulated why SaaS or PaaS options are not available?
  • If you are using NHS-managed infrastructure, have you documented the CO2 impact of doing so?